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International Vienna Motor Symposium

The International Vienna Motor Symposium, hosted and organized by the Austrian Association for Automotive Engineering, is one of the world's leading events of its kind. The Vienna Motor Symposium brings together well over 1,000 decision-makers from the most important companies in the global automotive industry. The three-day program at the Hofburg Vienna Congress Center offers a variety of groundbreaking lectures and provides plenty of time for exchanging views and networking.
This high-caliber lecture program is complemented by an accompanying trade exhibition at which leading automobile and supplier companies present the latest technologies and developments.


The detailed program for the 46th Motor Symposium is available online here .


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Press photos for the 46th International Vienna Motor Symposium
Copyright: ÖVK/Ranger

Press conference at the start of the 45th International Vienna Motor Symposium: "Individual solutions on the way to climate neutrality are not sufficient"

Media brunch for the 45th International Vienna Motor Symposium:

"Is hydrogen winning the race?"


News Motorensymposium
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