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All Technologies must be discussed in order to achieve climate-neutral mobility

High-ranking speakers from VW, Bosch, Hyundai gathered in Vienna to talk about the energy issue and its consequences for the development of alternative drive systems for all types of vehicles

Bernhard Geringer (ÖVK), Thomas Schmall (VW), Thomas Pauer (Bosch), Sung-hwan Cho (Hyundai Mobis) (Credit: ÖVK/Ranger)

One of the major topics of this year’s International Vienna Motor Symposium was the energy transition and its consequences for the automobile industry. The issue of sustainability presents an ongoing and urgent challenge to the industry. At the Symposium, Volkswagen Board Member Thomas Schmall, the President of the Bosch Powertrain Solutions division Thomas Pauer, Hyundai Mobis CEO Sung-hwan Cho and Bernhard Geringer, Head of the Institute of Powertrains and Automotive Technology at the Technical University of Vienna and Chairman of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers (ÖVK) spoke about the challenge of climate neutrality and how it will be vital to remain open to all potential solutions if the goal of worldwide climate-neutral mobility is to be reached.

"The challenge of climate neutrality as a whole, and especially with regard to mobility, is huge. We will need to consider all technologies and solutions that can bring us closer to this target, and we shouldn't prematurely rule any out,’ stressed Thomas Pauer, President of the Powertrain Solutions division at Robert Bosch company. "Carbon-neutral mobility is possible – provided we succeed in expanding the corresponding infrastructure quickly and on a large scale. Technology is one of the most crucial levers in the fight against climate change.”

The powertrain and vehicle-industries have already taken significant steps to address sustainability by adopting a wide-ranging approach to identifying fossil-fuel alternatives. Bernhard Geringer, organizer of the International Vienna Motor Symposium, said: ‘‘It is wrong to assume that Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are the answer when it comes to sustainable transformation. A BEV with a battery produced from coal-fired electricity and an e-motor powered by coal-fired electricity will have a worse impact on the environment than any petrol engine. However, there are other solutions: A fuel cell (FC) drive or combustion engine powered by e-fuels derived from green hydrogen will both have similar climate impact to a green electricity BEV.” The technology for the transformation in the vehicle sector exists and is already in large-scale-production.

Sung-hwan Cho, CEO of Hyundai Mobis emphasized that innovation in mobility technology is vital to enhancing the value and quality of people’s lives. He explained, “Mobility Technology will make a key contribution to solving universal problems including climate change, urban overcrowding, and aging population. It is important for our innovation to support sustainable growth.”

New Benchmark in battery technology

Thomas Schmall, Member of the Board of Management for Technology of Volkswagen AG, added, “Our goal for the future is to be the technology leader in e-mobility. That is why we are focusing on scalability, competitive vertical integration and the further expansion of our internal competences. In doing so, we are relying on our decades of experience in the development of competitive components.” The high-tech portfolio includes the unified cell, which will be produced from 2025 and will set a new benchmark in battery technology.

International Vienna Motor Symposium from 26 to 28 April 2023

Around 1,000 international participants attended the conference, listening to more than 80 speakers address topics such as the parallel existence of different drive systems (i.e. electric motors, fuel cells and internal combustion engines) as well as energy sources such as e-fuels, hydrogen, and electricity. A number of presentations focused on storage systems, such as batteries and hydrogen solutions. This high-level lecture programme was accompanied by a trade fair, showcasing the latest technologies and developments from automobile makers and their suppliers.

High-ranking keynote speakers including VW Board Member Thomas Schmall, Bosch CEO Stefan Hartung and Mercedes-Benz Vice President Christoph Starzynski provided insights into the latest developments in the global markets. International speakers in Vienna included Hyundai Mobis CEO Sung-hwan Cho, the Senior Vice President of Toyota Gerald Killmann, Seat/Cupra CEO Wayne Griffiths, and research and development CEO of Seat S.A. Werner Tietz.

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